2014 available

2014 available

Monday, June 6, 2011

Finally Gardening

Hello Gardeners,

I just wanted to update you and let you know that Abigail and I are aware that we have been short on dry material for the composters and are doing everything we can to get more dropped off from the grounds department.

Also, wanted to remind you to feel free to use this blog as a way of communicating with your fellow gardeners. Especially as summer is getting underway, and vacation plans finally come together, use the blog to ask fellow gardeners to water your plants as you are out, or offer up extra veggies that may go to waste if not donated.

Remember that we can/will donate any fruits or veggies that cannot be consumed to the local Trenton Food Bank, please just contact Khirika for more information.

Let Abigail and I know if there is anything we can do to help you this gardening season.