2014 available

2014 available

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



The garden has been plowed, flags have been placed, and it is ready for planting. Good luck! Let us know if you have any questions or need additional fencing, stakes, etc. Please be courteous of your fellow gardeners. Don't use what you don't need, sharing fences, don't double up, etc. Share seeds!

Have fun and we look forward to seeing everyone in the garden very soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Garden has been plowed

The garden was plowed yesterday - yes, thank you University Grounds Crew. Before planting, we will restake the plots with the flags. We will let you know when they are ready for move in! Thanks

nicole & tao

Friday, April 17, 2009

PLOWING - almost time to plant, almost

We have informed the university grounds crew that the garden is ready to be plowed. They will now inform us on a date (most likely Monday 4/20 if the weekend weather cooperates). They will plow based on the condition of the soil (too wet, and they wait). When we have a firm date from them, we will be letting you all know so that, if anyone has plants to remove, you will have enough time to do so. After they plowing, PLANTING can begin!

I know everyone is anxious, so hope for dry weather this weekend!

nicole & tao

Sunday, April 12, 2009

images from last year's garden

a green tomato

a tall sunflower


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Plot Cleaning


Please have your plot cleared out of fencing, tomato cages, wire, stakes, large rooting plants, etc by tomorrow APRIL 3RD. The grounds crew will then come to plow the garden prior to planting once the garden is completely cleared.

We appreciate your help!

Garden Coordinators