I'm sure you've all noticed that our garden is great at cultivating weeds as well as vegetables. Most weeds are merely a nuisance, but some can pose serious problems. One such offender is the hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium). This invasive species is all over the fences both around the entire garden and between individual plots. You may have also seen it try to climb up your vegetables. Don't let it succeed.
Here's what we can do about it...
1. Hand weed hedge bindweed from your plot and try to get the rhizome right below the soil surface to prevent it from coming back.
2. These vines will be covered in pretty white flowers in the next few weeks. Pick off as many of these flowers as you can before they form seeds. Casually de-flowering this noxious weed will make a big difference in its prevalence in our garden.
Happy gardening!
-David Vinyard
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