Butler Garden Planning Meeting - Minutes
1. Welcome Gardeners to the Meeting
- Everyone was welcomed to the meeting and everyone took turns introducing themselves to the group.
- Attendance was a whopping 25 people! We have a very enthusiastic group of gardeners this year!
2. Rules for the Garden
- Existing rules of the garden were handed out and we discussed each one.
- The rules will be updated and emailed to all gardeners.
- We clarified that rule number two applies to shared supplies that can become damaged over winter, and that it does not apply to perennials.
- We decided that the composter will have its own set of rules that will be emailed, posted on the blog, and posted on the garden shed.
- If anyone not at the meeting wants to propose a rule, please email the garden coordinators.
3. Blog and Email
- Everyone has been invited to post on the garden blog. Please feel free to use the blog as a way to communicate and share information with your fellow gardeners. The web address for the blog is http://butlergarden.blogspot.com/.
- All gardeners are on a Butler Garden email list. If you would like to be removed from the email list please email one of the Garden Coordinators. All of the information contained in the emails will also posted on the blog.
- All gardeners want to be contacted through email about garden matters rather than the blog.
4. Common Problems in the Garden
a. Weeds
- Weeds in the pathways and in unused plots were reported as a major problem by returning gardeners in the returning gardener survey.
- We discussed possible solutions and decided on the following solution: Each gardener is responsible for keeping the common areas around their plot accessible and free from weeds. If gardeners do not keep up their responsibility, a gentle email reminder will be sent.
b. Critters
- Gardeners were reminded that they are not allowed to kill any animals in the garden. Shooting, trapping, or purposefully causing harm to the creatures in the garden is not permitted.
c. Bugs/Diseases
- Gardeners were reminded that the use of pesticides (unless organic) are not to be used in the garden for bug control.
5. Material and Tools Purchase and Maintenance
a. Tools - Machetes, Hedge-clippers
- It is the priority of the Garden Coordinators this year to provide good quality and a variety of garden tools. An inventory of the shed will be taken, and the condition of the tools will be noted. Tools will be sharpened and repaired. Replacements will be made if needed.
- Several requests were made for new tools including a machete, a soil knife, and a long weeding rake.
b. Fencing
- We decided that we are going to purchase new fencing that is more rigid. If there is room in the budget, we are going to purchase the stronger “bunny” fencing that has small squares at the bottom and larger squares at the top.
c. Tomato cages
- If the budget permits, we are going to buy some additional tomato cages to replace the ones that were thrown away this year.
d. Straw
- Waiyee asked everyone who is interested in having straw for their garden plots email her. We are trying to arrange a the bulk purchase and delivery of straw from the Belle Mead Co-Op.
e. Weed cloth
- We decided to spend garden funds on items with longevity for future gardeners. Since weed cloth is good only for one season, we passed on providing it for the gardeners.
f. Compost
- Phasing out old composters. The only ones we are using now are the open air composters.
- Discussed problem of not having enough dry material for the compost pile. We came up with two solutions:
- People will mix their own dry material into their compost before adding it to the pile
- Garden coordinators will look for outside the university sources for dry material
- We asked for volunteers for help in turning over the open air composters. When weather permits, garden coordinators will circulate a sign-up sheet for volunteers to help with this.
h. Leaf compost/Wood chips
- These are things provided by the university on a regular basis if it is available.
- Garden coordinators will email the university and ask for a larger delivery this year.
i. Rototiller - Needs repair (Mark might be able to fix it)
6. Upcoming Garden Events
March - Garden Kick-Off Party (End of March)
April - Rutgers AgDay (April 27th)
May - Planting season begins in full force
September - Harvest party
7. Questions/Concerns/Feedback
- Should gardeners have ANY problems with their plots (from dead animals, to out of control weeds), they are strongly encouraged to email the garden coordinators. As we want to make gardening as problem-free as possible, we are offering our community resources to help every gardener.