2014 available

2014 available

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tomato seedlings

Hey, fellow gardeners! I have started an obscene number of heirloom tomato seeds, about 10 different varieties. This means, if they keep germinating, that I will have plants to spare in late April/early May. Once they're grown, I would like to offer them to you guys for $1 each, which will help me recoup some of the cost of the lights and seeds and stuff.

You can read about the varieties at tomatobob.com. I started Green Zebra, Mule Team, Red Brandywine, Stupice, Greek Domato, Coyote, Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Ildi, and Livingtson's Favorite (I told you it was obscene, but if you look at all those varieties, it's hard not to go a little crazy).

Obviously, I don't know yet exactly how many of each variety I will have, but if you're interested you can email me [trarbach at PU] or comment on this post... I don't think I'll be in town for the meet-up. Or, if anyone is starting other kinds of seeds, I'd be happy to swap plants a little later in the season!


Spring Kick-off Party, 3/28!!

Hosted by Nicole Jui & Chase Zachary
The Butler Community Garden Coordinators

Please RSVP to nicole.jui@gmail.com or czachary@princeton.edu asap as we need a headcount for food & drink.

We look forward to seeing you all!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rutgers Resources

Spring is almost here and I'd like to share some resources from our neighbors at Rutgers as you begin to plan your season.

Rutgers Ag Field Day:
Saturday, April 24 10 am - 4 pm
Cook Campus, New Brunswick (less than half an hour up Rt. 1)

A great place to get really cheap (sometimes free) seeds and plants. Famous Rutgers tomato plants will be available as well as other vegetable varieties specially suited to our area.

More information on Jersey tomatoes and seed order forms can be found here.
