2014 available

2014 available

Friday, June 27, 2008

New Equipment in and near the shed!!

Tomato cages and stakes are near the shed! This will be the last bunch of tomato cages we purchase this season, so get them before they are gone. As for the stakes, we can purchase more, if needed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Composter Help

We are in the process of bettering the compost system in Butler. It is a little up-in-the-air as to how this is going to be accomplished as it takes a lot of community cooperation to make this successful. Because we, as gardeners, are directly affected by the compost situation, we ask that you do what you can to get the word out and encourage your neighbors to use the composters, but most importantly, to USE THEM PROPERLY. Misuse of the composters is the biggest problem and communicating to all Butler residents the proper way to compost is not easy. We ask that you follow the new guidelines (posted on the signs at the patio and near the garden) to better our compost and continue to replenish the garden with the nutrients it needs.

We will try to reach out to new residents as well as current residents to make sure everyone is aware the composters exist. Composting is an important part of our organic garden since we do not allow synthetic fertilizers to be used. GOOD compost is essential for high yields and the necessary nutrients plants need to grow.

Please take the time to help individuals you may see at the composters. Pass along the knowledge and express the importance of Butler-wide participation.

Thanks. For more information, please visit the Butler website, 'Garden & Compost' http://www.princeton.edu/~butlerap/gardening.shtml for further information.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Community Plot


We recently had a couple of gardeners decide that they would not be able to garden this season. All wait listed people now have a garden plot, but there is still a half plot that is available. Unless someone objects or would like to claim another half plot (location TBD), we will be designating this as a 'Community Plot' that anyone can plant in and the produce will be donated to residents throughout the season using a bin in the community room or to Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. We donated to MSFFB last year and they were very appreciative of the healthy food.

If anyone has any other suggestions, we would be happy to hear them. Also, if anyone has extra seeds or seedlings that are not going to be used, please donate them to this cause. Thank you so much.